We're going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo!
How bout You You You!
You can come Too Too Too!
We're going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo!
~Noraa's thought of the day!!!
~Noraa Out!
The days become happier! =D
We're going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo!
How bout You You You!
You can come Too Too Too!
We're going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo!
~Noraa's thought of the day!!!
~Noraa Out!
Escape kakis!!!
When the Viking started!
Look at Jing Ying's face!
She was terrified!!!
* Erm... okok, me too... (-_-)" *
We were high high up!
Just felt like posting this pics up!
~Noraa's thought of the day!!!
I'm blessed!
~Noraa Out!
After IKEA, was DVD time! After that met up with jackass Zong at Sheck's to slack and have Prata, ice-lemao, mee-goreng pataya! Simply shiock-a-li-cious!
Again, eating and playing the ryme game!
And i just wanna say that...
The day was just perfect!
~Noraa Out!
Anyway, i realised that i hvt gotten the pic of my class chalet! But i think vedios would be more interesting and funnier!!!
We were playing cherades!
(Erm... i dun think i got the correct spelling!)
Anyway, the vedio might not look very fun, but trust me, we all laughed will we all sweat like siao! Real life was so so so so so so much funnier!
Team 1
Ans : Geisha dance
Team 2
Hong wen's interpretation of a Geisha dance
Team 2
Ans: Mighty Morphing Power Rangers
Team 1
Ans: Pole Dancing
Team 2
Ans: The Mask (I think Joel was F*ucking funny is this one!)
Team 2
Ans: Ju-on
Team 1
Ans: Osim i-Gallop
Team 1
Ans: Clubbing
Team 2
Tiff's interpretation of Clubbin (Fireball style)
Team 2
Ans: Breast feeding
After the class chalet, there was the SL camp!!!
It was so so so so so fun too!!!! It was the best camp i ever went to!
And guess what?!?!?
Swee lah!!! On the first day, we were 3rd position, but at the end, we got 1st! Super shiock man! In the toilet of the 3rd day morning, the guys were all burshing our teeth, then we all asked each other, if we think that we can win the best team award! We knoe that we were the outstanding team as compared to the other teams coz we trashed the other teams in terms of the games, timing to complete and stuff. But we didn;t want to put our hopes too high, coz if we didn't win, not very nice ah... Knoe what i mean? Heh! But in the end,
WE WON!!!!
I dun have all the photos with me now, only a couple, but i will posy them up here first! The rest, another day!
Oh, and i'm kinda glad! Coz i won the "Best worrior" award! And it's kinda cute, coz i got a sword! hahahah!!!
The main com people told me coz of the lolli pop game, where i was the defender for my team's lollie pop! All i did was exactly the same as my BIZ shield captains ball game, i just jump up and block all the balls, but for this case, it's the water bomb bags!
The game is really fun! Each team has a giant lollie pop made from a wodden pole, hula hoop which is wrapped with news paper and tape! I dun have to really explain how is it prepared, you can imagne yourself right?
Anyway, the objective of the game is to attack other teams lollie pop with your water bomb bags, throwing them at their lollie pops till there's a hole! DAMN DAMN DAMN fun! Although i did not go out into the field to attack, but i could tell it was damn fun! When the first whistle blew, i realised that almost all the teams ran towards mt teams lolli pop and started attacking ours! I also died lah! Kept jumping and blocking! But my team the girls DAMN DAMN DAMN POWER!!! They were given the most important role of the 1st line of defence! They had to use one hand to block the thrower's hand, and another coving the eyes, and scream as loud as they can! And that was a damn damn damn good method of defence! hahahahah!!!
Wha sae, all of us got drentched, and i even got water bomb bags hit straight into my face a couple of times! Damn funny! I think my team was really good! We took out 3 other teams! But sad;y, we were not the suviving team in the end, cannot take it, everyone was all out to kill us! Have no idea, probably coz our lollie pop look nicer to whack!? heh! Anyway, really proud of my team, coz we really gave a good fight! What was funny was that we alliance with Edric's team, then we together go hoot other people's lollie pop! hahah!
Anyway, this was the funnest game in the whole camp man!
Oh ya. remember i said i was freaking scared of the HREC (High Rope Element Course)??? Well guess what? I accomplised it man! I did the challange pole thingy! but mine was kinda different, it was a dual kinda jump, where 2 person have to jump at the same time! Coz we're only standing on a plank, which had to be balanced by our body weight. I was so freaking scared lah i tell you! My left leg was shaking so bad! Coz i'm really totally scared of heights man! In the end, i conqured it! YEA!!! Baby also conqured it! She was so scared at first, thinking of passing it, but in the end, she did it and caught the rod! So proud of her! =D
SL camp as bascially really really fun! I can't type all the details here, but all Canis-sian would knoe the fun we had!
Pictures taken in day 1!!!
The guys!!!
The gals!!!
~Noraa's thought of the day!!!
My holiday is fun-filled-packed!
~Noraa Out!